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ssb15 07-04-2018 03:28 PM

Help with gurgling noise and liquid from car
After my wife drove the car, we had a puddle of liquid on the ground and then a line of liquid into the garage. Once the car was turned off, we had a gurgling noise coming from the left hand side of the engine compartment. Any ideas on what broke? I have attached photos and a recording of the noise.
Puddle in garage.

Puddle in driveway.

new mexico 07-04-2018 04:15 PM

Originally Posted by ssb15 (Post 1923946)
Looks like antifreeze to me.
After my wife drove the car, we had a puddle of liquid on the ground and then a line of liquid into the garage. Once the car was turned off, we had a gurgling noise coming from the left hand side of the engine compartment. Any ideas on what broke? I have attached photos and a recording of the noise.
Puddle in garage.

Puddle in driveway.

alfred 07-04-2018 05:00 PM

can you do a touch and sniff test to figure out what the liquid is? engine oil, transmission fluid, brake fluid, coolant? that would help to figure out the source.

ssb15 07-04-2018 05:39 PM

I know this sounds strange but the liquid is a little greasy, brown in color and does not have much of a smell.

alfred 07-04-2018 09:37 PM

Is your car a standard or an automatic?

ssb15 07-04-2018 09:43 PM


Etypephil 07-05-2018 12:49 AM

You don't state which E-Type, unless I missed something, but presuming that it's a six cylinder car, sorry to say that this is a typical early symptom of a failing head gasket; the liquid is almost certainly coolant,and the gurgling, combustion gases finding their way out of the cooling system via the pressure cap. The greasy feel could well be traces of oil and the brown colouring typical of coolant from an old engine. Do you use proper coolant in the engine, or just water? It is important to use something with corrosion inhibitors, and to change the coolant every few years as it degenerates.

George Camp 07-07-2018 05:54 AM

It would really help if we knew what year and such! LH side of the engine compartment sounds like a 68 to 71 E type 6 cyl expansion tank with a bad pressure cap. In the temps we have had lately if your system is overfilled or the cap is poor you will hear gurgling! As to the liquid I hope it does not reflect the condition of the rest of the cooling fluid. One more thing make sure your fans are working properly--assuming it is a 68-71. Good luck!

ssb15 07-08-2018 05:52 PM

It is a 69 Series II six cylinder engine. The coolant was changed a few months ago. Thanks for your suggestions. Appears that the car got hot due to idleiing in the heat and the colant reservoir overflowed. We checked all of the fluids and they are not contaminated.

Etypephil 07-09-2018 12:20 AM

Excellent news, the best possible outcome, fixed for the price of some coolant.

ssb15 07-09-2018 07:26 AM

Thank you. I hope so. Have you ever added any of these aftermarket products to the engine that claim to make the car run cooler? I know their gasoline treatment and zinc additive to the oil are supposed to help.

George Camp 07-09-2018 01:24 PM

SSB I have driven many of miles in my S2 (Stay at Isle of Palms) and you need to check your fans and your pressure cap on the expansion tank. Although the temp gauge may get almost in the red it will not burp. Remember you do not fill the expansion tank up---about 1/3 will do. If you fill it up it will spill out each time.

alfred 07-10-2018 11:19 AM

Yes there are some products that help reduce coolant temp. "Water wetter" is one that I use. If you boil over again, you may need to look into an engine coolant flush, rad core evaluation before adding new coolant and other additives.


enderle 07-10-2018 06:06 PM

I went to waterless coolant myself, no corrosion, no boil overs, and no chance of freezing. Pain to do, but man was it worth it.

Have it in my XKR and my XKE.

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