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lostpinky 03-17-2010 11:07 AM

inactive member pruning
I just received an email that inactive member will be removed form this forum. I have found the forum to be a great resource for answering my questions, locating parts and making new friends. I only use the forum when I need it, that would seem to keep useless posting to a minimum. The email is suggesting that I reintroduce myself. Hi, I'm Mark! I live in California and have a '98 XJ8. If the forum has 500 members or 10,000 members or 200,000 members and there are 100 really active members I don't see the reason to remove the inactive ones...maybe I am missing something. So here I am...posting what is probably a useless message to keep my membership alive. Thank you for this great resource and I want to let the advertisers know that I always come here for the parts that I need.

H20boy 03-17-2010 12:17 PM

Hi again Mark, humorous post. :)

In the same logic that you are using to not post useless messages, the inactive membership roles are also taking up server space, and in large quantities. A little cleanup is needed from time to time to keep things efficient and running fast.

You don't necessarily have to post a new thread, you could always just participate in the existing ones to stay active. In any manner, thanks for caring enough to drop by.

Cadillac 03-17-2010 02:12 PM

h20 summed up quite well , welcome back :)

JimC64 03-17-2010 04:12 PM

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Hey lostpinky, glad you dropped by and that you find the forum a friendly / useful place to visit, and we're glad to have you as part of our site:icon_razz:
H20 pretty much summed up the reasoningbehind it and you'll find its pretty much what most forums do from time to time
Maybe a visit here n there to check things out, welcome another newbie, maybe a post into the off topic section or an answer to someones post confirming that you've had the same problem and resolved it, whatever, just drop by from time to time and we'll be glad to see you.

Jamey 03-17-2010 06:51 PM

Howdy lostpinky

Welcome back!

scottatl 03-17-2010 08:07 PM

Good post in my books, helps me find a place to post, build up my numbers and not take a thread off topic.

so see you on the boards!

JimC64 03-17-2010 08:27 PM

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Hey scott....if you wanna build up your post count / get more involved why not try the following?
Welcome the new members more ( I see you've done this - nice one )
I'm sure / I hope you were welcomed when you join and hopefully it makes new members feel more at ease about posting!
Some sites can be so cold / unfriendly
Why not jump into the off topic section? Loads of OFF TOPIC stuff goin on there and even "the craic" thread which is for just about any comment ( within reason) that you want to make!
Have you wandered into the regional section yet?
And of course the detailing section.......even if its only to say "WOW" what a great job you did on that and what a stunning car etc etc.

This will of course start to get you known by the regulars and drawn in.....before you know it you've got like 100+ posts under your belt and you're


lostpinky 03-18-2010 01:33 PM

I stand corrected
First I hope that my post in no way has a negative or nasty sound to it. I really find this a great place full of helpful friendly people and thank you again for all the work that goes in to keeping it going. I did not know about the members taking up server space so pruning makes sense.

JimC64 03-18-2010 07:06 PM

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Absolutely no problem lostpinky, no one took offence I assure you:)
The upside of the email that I sent to you and others is that members like yourself who do like the site and use it, have came back and became more active, so its all good:)
Hope you stick around and we see you in the forum from time to time...

All the best

Niles 03-19-2010 06:09 AM

Hi, I received the same notice, and this thread caught my eye. I joined the forum last year because I would like to own a Jaguar XK8 or XKR some day. I'm an American living in Australia. These cars are still quite expensive here, but almost affordable in the states. I occasionally peruse the forums to see what kind of issues I might encounter and if there are some years and/or models that are better than others. This forum has been quite helpful in that regards, but it may be years before I buy my own. I currently am enjoying a 1987 Porsche 928. Thanks for the information you are providing us lurkers.

wildcard 03-19-2010 08:43 AM

I agree, this is a great resource, and hi mark, welcome!!

gbrutschea 03-19-2010 09:21 AM

got me too

H20boy 03-19-2010 09:41 AM

Good place to drop by and get the post count up fellas. Niles, looks like a nice 928 (great color) you have. Is it hard to service that car where you're from?

Niles 03-19-2010 11:01 AM

There is no Porsche dealer within 1000 miles. I do most of the service myself. Most of the parts I buy from the states. The parts are a little more expensive than your average Chevy. Thanks for the compliment. I love the color also.

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