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Lawrence Leitch 06-22-2011 05:36 AM

Lawrence Leitch
Hi ,
I am at present living in the UK with my family on a working holiday and have taken the opportunity to buy a beautiful 1997 XK8 while here ,Sadly through a chain of events beyond our control we are cutting our stay here short and returning home to Raumati Beach in New Zealand.I have not been a member of any sort of forum previously,but I am looking for info!
I am hoping to take the XK8 home with me but know nothing of the regs etc to import into NZ and am finding it hard to get the info together to be sure that my car will be allowed to be registered in NZ.I am hoping one of you like minded Jag owners may have done this or similar and be able to shed some light on how to go about this.I have contacted the AA and there is some dout due to the cars age and its complience to the frontal impact regulations and emmissions regs it is euro zone 3 complient if that means anything to any one.HELP PLEASE, I do not want to leave this car here!
thanks Lawrence

Translator 06-24-2011 02:47 PM

Hi Lawrence welcome to the forum.

I know nothing about the NZ regs, except that you might want to go to an 'Entry Certifier'.

If you haven't done so, try posting in the Regional section, someone might have experience.

Norri 06-25-2011 05:41 AM

Welcome to the Forum,

Sorry I have no practical advice either, perhaps it may be useful to look at some of the expats sites.

This is a good one British Expat Discussion Forum and they have a NZ section.

JimC64 06-27-2011 07:04 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 171469

Hi there and welcome aboard, good to have you here as part of the forum:icon_razz:

Hope you get the help you need from the various gurus around here.........sorry I can't help with your shipping issue:icon_no:

Loads going on, plenty of very friendly and helpful members as well as some excellent tech advice......all good!

In the meantime I've manually upgraded you to full forum access so you can better view the site

Gus 07-08-2011 11:16 AM

Hello and welcome to

Oh one other thing you need to put your car details in your signature. I am speaking of the Year, Make & Model. Without it you may not get the input you are looking for.

Please take a moment and read the information provided to you explaining the rules. Be patient and enjoy the site.

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