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bojangles 10-29-2008 08:52 AM

Mc Jaguar your T-case seal?
I am still wondering which seal you replaced? was it the left or right one? the other post had both mentioned.
If it was the RH one, can you give any help to me about how it went?

From what I read in the JTIS.. it cant be done in the car. Id be quite glad to learn that it can be done.

McJaguar 10-29-2008 07:57 PM

RE: Mc Jaguar your T-case seal?
okay, okay.....
this is the second time I've responded to Bo in a fashion that I've found very funny, and sarcastic, but then upon further reflection it has seemed actually mean and 'sarcaustic'.....

so I've once again deleted my post.

For the record:
Bo, in light of your response last time I posted information on a Jaguar procedure I had successfully done, and which others have used to their own success as well, I really have no interest in posting FOR YOU.
Now, if anybody else is at all interested, then I would ABSOLUTELY be inclined to help them out.

Don't get me wrong: I'll continue to post up here to help in any and every way I can, and expose myself to further castigation by you, because in the words of my girl-friend:
"So what, I'm still a Rock-Star".... (okay, fine, she's not my girl-friend)

But if it's merely to satisfy your own curiosity, or other (perhaps dysfunctional) desire you have, then I don't see the point.
Do you?

racerx82 10-29-2008 08:39 PM

RE: Mc Jaguar your T-case seal?

Dennis 10-29-2008 08:45 PM

RE: Mc Jaguar your T-case seal?
Well this is probably none of my business and I will probably be told so too..But knowing Bo, this question was his way of saying letby gones be by gones..So McJag..I think you could have been a little more relaxed and simply let this go....Bo and I have had our run ins too..But I don't hold any ill feelings, I know he is sharp when it comes to the JAG and I respect his knowledge and ability...But we just don't mix well together either..too bad too, cuz I value his experience with working on the JAG..I just take him with a grain of salt....but hey, can't make everyone like you.:)

bojangles 10-29-2008 09:46 PM

RE: Mc Jaguar your T-case seal?
I honestly dont get it.... is this about the sunroof post?
That reset procedure is still a guess... if you know the actual procedure then tell us/.. that is what the board if for.

I was picky about that one because nobody who has posted the re-alignment has referred to the switch having 5 positions.

I do want to know how to change the RH seal. If anyone knows I would appreciate the knowledge. even if you are pissed about the sunroof post, why cant you remove the confusion about the LH vs RH seal? I cant be alone on this.
There are plenty of us with an oil leak on the RH side......

I dont get a lot of social value from the car message boards. It is just cyber space after all.

If you wanna fight.... lets do it face to face. On the forum here.. lets strive for good communication and technical accuracy....

McJaguar 10-29-2008 10:15 PM

RE: Mc Jaguar your T-case seal?

ORIGINAL: bojangles

If you wanna fight.... lets do it face to face.
nah. no interest in fighting with ya. refer to my post above.:eek:

and yes, it is the Right-side seal. [&:]

ORIGINAL: bojangles

That reset procedure is still a guess... if you know the actual procedure then tell us/.. that is what the board if for.
okay, sure thing. Here it is:

oh, and by the way: I'm getting ready to describe the procedure for testing a battery in another thread. do you want to check over my directions first, before I post 'em? [sm=drooldude.gif]

bojangles 10-30-2008 09:11 AM

RE: Mc Jaguar your T-case seal?


ORIGINAL: bojangles

If you wanna fight.... lets do it face to face.
nah. no interest in fighting with ya. refer to my post above.:eek:

and yes, it is the Right-side seal. [&:]

ORIGINAL: bojangles

That reset procedure is still a guess... if you know the actual procedure then tell us/.. that is what the board if for.
okay, sure thing. Here it is:

oh, and by the way: I'm getting ready to describe the procedure for testing a battery in another thread. do you want to check over my directions first, before I post 'em? [sm=drooldude.gif]

By fighting I mean a battle of wits by the way. I am not a physical guy. I use my strength for wrenches.
I just think that "fighting" on a message board is dumb.
I am sorry you dont like me picking on details. I dont hold anything against you for it.
I work in a world of trouble shooting, root cause analysis, and permanent corrective action. I have to be nice and work well with others and dig carefully and respectfully through evidence (both technical and verbal) to get to the bottom of things.
I do tend to vent all the things that I cant say in my work world here in cyberspace.
There are plenty of times at work when I am thinking inside, "hey dumb dumb, dont do that ****....." but of course I cant say those things and be effective at my work.

Now to go way off topic - lol

As far as the sunroof procedure I did not find where it is clear which of the 5 positions of the switch are used.
Maybe the procedure works by using both "FWD" positions?
Can you remember if you pushed to the first detent? or the "auto-close" detent?
When FJT posted the procedure, he said to release the button once it started the auto reset movement. Your procedure emphasises to keep holding the switch.
Maybe it works both ways, when I had to reset my roof (twice now) I released the button and it worked.
I cant see what is wrong with challenging these details? It only helps others.

Rosemontsaid that it is the first detent that he pushed, I think I pushed it to the second position. We need more evidence before we can get to the bottom of it.

I cant wait to hear more about the TC RH seal.. that would be great for many of us.

As far as battery testing, I cant wait for your post. I think that I am getting too old for some of this stuff. Cars are so reliable that some people have never had a bad battery before. When I was younger, jump starting cars was a way of life.. even my mum could do it. She also kept a special long pencil in her glove compatment to hold the choke open when here car would not start from flooding. She never complained the car was unreliable.

McJaguar 10-31-2008 09:20 AM

RE: Mc Jaguar your T-case seal?

ORIGINAL: bojangles
I am sorry you dont like me picking on details. I dont hold anything against you for it.
see, now, I would argue that your comments (below) would contradict that.

ORIGINAL: bojangles
line... self explanitory.
align two line that are matched.
misaligned.. well that is not aligned.

If you dont understand the problem.. you have no business looking for a solution.

randomly pressing buttons and claiming a solution is just lightyears away from having any understanding a cause.

if you are going to give instructions... you need to make is clear.. otherwise a bunch of bubble headed jag owners are going to start pressing their buttons totally randomly and each of them claiming a solution.
then you say:

ORIGINAL: bojangles
I cant see what is wrong with challenging these details? It only helps others.
Hey, I got no probelm with you challenging the details (even though my instructions have worked for everyone who used them). I'm just suggesting (again) that you needn't be an A** when you do it.
As I said the 1st time around: If you had let me know you were looking for a FAQ-type set of instructions, complete with the proper way to hold your tongue in your teeth while applying exactly 6 pounds of pressure to the switch, Then I could have declined your request, and still helped Kilroy.

But instead, you attacked a (relatively) new member to this forum, for posting a decent (and sufficient) set of instructions that helped the person who requested the help to solve their problem. You did this because YOU are on some quest for "technically accurate instructions". A quest I was entirely unaware of previous to your attack, and a quest that (while laudible) I do not share in the least.

ORIGINAL: bojangles
I cant wait to hear more about the TC RH seal.. that would be great for many of us.
To date, you are still the only one who seems to be at all interested in this. So for now, it'll remain 'my little secret'.

gupdah 10-31-2008 02:11 PM

RE: Mc Jaguar your T-case seal?
Well i am pretty interested in the TC seal because its a relative problem with many of our cars and it would be nice to reference back to something if it ever occurs or if it already has occurred. This website is like a wiki, if you dont like someones stuff, you edit it, but for the good of everyone, building off others ideas.

racerx82 10-31-2008 04:42 PM

RE: Mc Jaguar your T-case seal?
Oh this is gonna be good...don't start...let me go buy a 30 pack of beer, i'll be right back!

McJaguar 10-31-2008 05:59 PM

RE: Mc Jaguar your T-case seal?

ORIGINAL: racerx82

Oh this is gonna be good...don't start...let me go buy a 30 pack of beer, i'll be right back!

let me know when you're ready. ;)

Dennis 10-31-2008 07:06 PM

RE: Mc Jaguar your T-case seal?

christo 10-31-2008 07:52 PM

RE: Mc Jaguar your T-case seal?
LOL!racerx you crack me up bro! Dennis has his popcorn and is on the side line - LOL!

I hope mc and bo can work this out - they are both good guys.

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